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It's not me, it's the wind. (16th Dec 22 at 6:46am UTC)
Half an hour before dinner, we talked in my room. The French window sash is open, and the spring breeze is blowing the window curtain. My children frolicked on the lawn. He said he didn't want to know about women anymore. He surprised me with his harsh attacks on women. I've never heard anything like that before. I laughed. But I understand his persistence and what he has been fighting for. We talked about King Oedipus. By talking, we soon understood each other. That night, he left my house and walked all the way back to his place. The journey takes at least five hours. Before long, he sent me a letter saying, "You are the most amazing woman in England.". I wrote back to him, "Aren't you supposed to know so many women in England?" At a later meeting, he said, "You don't know your husband at all, and you don't care about your husband at all." His criticism was too blunt, and for this reason, I was unhappy. On Easter Sunday, he came. It was a sunny and warm day. The children were hunting for Easter eggs in the yard. The maids were not there, so I decided to serve the tea myself. I want to light the gas stove, but I don't even know how to do it. Lawrence was angry when he saw that I couldn't even do such a little thing. The unashamed critic, the Honourable Lawrence, could not bear to see such a thing. However,x60 line pipe, Lawrence really understood me. He saw through me like a glass at the beginning, and he saw through that I was pretending to smile. He read my mind thoroughly. I used to think that kind of trivial work was menial, shameful and annoying. What is still incredible is: Why did he like me at that time? Why did he fall in love with me? Indeed, I am what he calls a "sex-soaked" woman, a woman with a male reason for liking. My true self has been frightened like a wild animal in the past, running away, hiding,316 stainless steel plate, avoiding contact. Under such circumstances, our relationship developed. One day, we met at the Tawiesha station. I had my two little girls with me. We took long walks in the woods and fields in early spring. The children were very lively and ran around. We came to the river, where there was a small stone bridge. Lawrence made paper boats for the children and put matchsticks in them to let them flow under the bridge. Then he threw the Daisy into the water. The stamens of the daisies drift away toward heaven and earth. Laurence forgot all about me when he played with the children by the river. I suddenly felt I was in love with him. The merits he showed touched my heart. Since then, we have made rapid progress. He came to see me one Sunday. My husband wasn't there, so I said, "Let's stay tonight." And Lawrence said, "No, I don't want to stay at your husband's house when he's not home.". However, you should be honest with your husband. And then we'll go somewhere together. I feel scared. Because I knew what pain it would cause my husband, and he always believed in me. But I was pulled by a force greater than myself, and I made my husband suffer. The next day, 316l stainless steel pipe ,x70 line pipe, I left my husband, father and son, and sent my two daughters to my grandmother in London. Dazed and dazed with grief, I parted from them at Heath in Hamstead. I was in a daze, thinking; I can't live with them like I used to. Lawrence met me at Charing Cross station. We left together, never to be separated again. It is he who has improved me both physically and mentally from my past life. This young man of 26 is in control of my entire destiny. And after just six weeks of hasty relationships.. For me, there is no other way but to do so. www-xiaoshuotxt-c o m Run away together Novel txt heaven We met at Charing Cross and sailed across the grey English Channel, full of hope and misery. All that existed was the gray water, the dark sky, the bumpy ferry, and the two of us. Here we are in Metz. Before the war, it belonged to Germany. My father was an official there for 50 years. There are three generations of grandparents and grandchildren in the family. For this reason, I also stayed in the same hotel where Lawrence stayed.
It was a little crazy at that time. The band played a melody to celebrate his father's half-century of official life, and there were several telegrams from the British side. On the one hand, I was worried about Lawrence, and on the other hand, I was concerned about the situation of the children. My mother is going to live with me. My father, who loved me, was very worried and said to me, "Daughter, what are you going to do?"? I always thought you were a reasonable girl. I know this world very well. I replied, "Maybe so, but Dad doesn't know the most precious thing." I mean, he should know what the most precious thing is. At the time, Mays had a free market. My sister, Joanna, and I wandered among the little sheds called "Turkish Delight," looking at snake charmers, girls in flesh-colored tights, and pots and pans and groceries. Known as "Naci," Joanna was beautiful, elegant, and, in a word, fashionable. Then Lawrence suddenly appeared on the street corner. I don't know what my sister will think of him in his hat and coat and all that strange way he is dressed. At first, no one except his sister discovered Lawrence's existence. One afternoon, Lawrence and I took a walk in the fortress of Metz. Suspecting him to be a British officer, the sentry came up and touched him on the shoulder. I had to turn to my fath to get out of that trouble. In this way, the secret is out. So I simply brought Laurence home for tea. He only met my father once at my house. The two men looked at each other coldly-the father was a nobleman, and Lawrence was the son of a miner. Father offered Lawrence a cigar in an unfriendly manner. That night, I dreamed that my father and Lawrence fought a duel,x60 line pipe, and my father was wounded. Lawrence knew that he could not stand the tense atmosphere of Mace, so he went to Rheinland. And I stayed in Metz. I have here a few letters from Lawrence that illustrate some of the circumstances. Eastwood, Tuesday.
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